Why Music in Early Childhood?
Music Therapy Enrichment Center offers several early childhood music programs at our office and various recreation centers in Northeast Ohio. Here are a few reasons why:
Music training dramatically enhances children’s abstract reasoning skills necessary for math and science. A
study with 3 and 4 year-olds indicated that children who received
piano/keyboard training performed 34% higher on tests measuring
spatial-temporal ability than the non-musical group. These findings
indicate that music uniquely enhances higher brain functions required
for mathematics, chess, science and engineering. (Psychologist Dr.
Frances Rauscher of the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh and physicist
Dr. Gordon Shaw of the University of California at Irvine in 1994)

Music training enhances the brain! Studies show that early experiences of childhood determine which brain cells (neurons) will connect with other brain cells, and which ones will die away. Because neural connections are responsible for all types of intelligence, a child’s brain develops to its full potential only with exposure to the necessary music enriching experiences in early childhood. (Music Beats Computers at Enhancing Early Childhood Development, American Music Conference via PR NEWSWIRE: Neurological Research, February 1997)
Look for Part 2 later this week!
(Source: earlychildhoodmusic.net)
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